Monday, 13 December 2010

Visit from District Governor

Our District Governor Lion Tony Gadsby attended the Club's Meeting on Wednesday 8 December at the Whipping Stocks Inn.

The meeting was chaired by Vice President Mike, who was standing in for President Alan (away on one of his well earned rest holidays - at least he felt it was well earned!)
DG Tony gave an inspiration talk and at the end presented one of his personalised banners. Mike was slightly less delighted to receive a copy of the new Lions Health and Safety booklet - but hey-ho that's the way of the world these days!

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Knutsford Christmas Market

Lions had a stall at the special Christmas Market in Knutsford on Thursday 2 December afternoon/evening- it was a bit cold (see two hardy members above!) but there was a good attendance - we were promoting in particular the Lions Message in a Bottle. Bottles are available free via Knutsford Lions or from Rowlands Pharmacy in Canute Square.

At about 6.30 that evening about 20 club members were out helping with marshalling along the reindeer route - prior to the official switch on of the Town's Christmas Lights in Canute Square. The town seemed much busier than usual - so well done to the street market organisers who had brought in a wide variety of stallholders.